Tuesday, January 26, 2010

* The lack of. . .

365 day photo challenge. I started. I missed a couple of days and now I've almost missed a week.
It's not to say that I've not been taking photographs. The complete opposite actually. It's been a week of gigs and photo shoots. And lots of editing. Lots of editing indeed.

Which brings me to today. Australia day. A day full of sun, love, friends, and lots and lots of food. A day to chill out and celebrate with friends and close ones all that is Australian. A day I took off to re-gather my thoughts and relax with friends. It totally helps to do that sometimes ;o)
and now I am back into the full swings of things. Though it's late I did want to post these sneak peeks and to give you all a head up on another giveaway. Do check back for more information.
and now for this weeks sneak peeks and 365 day challenge.

The Ferguson Family Photo Shoot - Facebook Giveaway Winner
More from this shoot later in the week ;o)

*10 / 365 - Supermarket Randomness

* 11 / 365

The lovely Juliane from Mayfield - Monday 25th January 2010
Australia Day Eve Gig at Hotel New York

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